Saturday, March 27, 2010

I did it!!

'Run a Race' is checked off the Bucket List. I think I'll probably try to do it again next year :0). I want to improve my time! I ran it in 1 hr 12 min which ends up being approximately 11 min miles. Not bad, but I want to shoot for 10...can we say Type A personality?? I think I ran pretty well considering I had a sinus infection and possibly an ear infection. Thank goodness I took an Advil before I started. As soon as it wore off my head was throbbing.

The weather was pretty cold, but after I got going, it felt great. Thanks goodness it was sunny! I can't imagine how it would have felt in the rain! I think my favorite memories will be seeing my family cheering me on at mile 3 and feeling that adrenaline kick in big time at mile 5. The streets were lined with people, everyone running was giving that last mile their all, and I loved the image of hundreds of heads bobbing up & down in front of me...very cool.

Here are some pics~

Here are Abbey, Ana, and I before the race.

We did it!!!


medina family said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! Those are great pics.

Stacey said...

congrat's Darlene! that's a wonderful accomplishment & great time!