Monday, July 26, 2010

Raines Hatteras Trip!

On Saturday, the girls & I got back from a trip to Hatteras Island with the Raines clan. We had great weather & a great time together. Here's my brother Dwight taking the girls on a boat ride and Sadie learning how to eat a crab.

One morning, we took a walk on the beach and saw a roped off area protecting baby sea turtles.

Here's Sadie pretending to be a sand crab!

Here's the girls having fun with their cousin Marena doing a dance by the pool.

Lastly, here's my dad with his girls :0). They love their Pop Pop!


medina family said...

looks like a great trip, Darlene! Love the pic of your dad with all the girls.

Stacey said...

your girls are precious.