Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back from Philly!

We just got back from a weekend visiting Uncle Doug & Aunt Jodi in Philadelphia.
We went up for their baby shower and spent the weekend seeing some sites around town.
On Sunday, we went downtown to visit the Please Touch Museum.

I think the kids favorite exhibit was the Alice in Wonderland maze. Here's Elise painting the roses red. It actually smelled like roses there!

They also had a cool science area! Here's Elise playing with the air hose.

On Monday before heading home, we went downtown to see the Liberty Bell & Independence Hall. I think the Liberty Bell was a little anticlimatic for the girls despite their strong desire to see it. Elise was more interested in the leaf and acorn she found on the way in.

Lastly, we ended out trip to Jim's Steak & Sub shop where we got a true Philly's Steak & Cheese. It wasn't in the best part of town, so I was a little nervous, but boy was the food delicious! Mmmmm....


medina family said...

Thanks for the preview, Darlene...we're heading up there in a few weeks to visit my cousin. It looks like you guys had a great time...and took some great pics.

Kim Lukitsch said...

thanks for your post. I grew up about an hour north of Philly, but we've never taken the kids to the things we've gone to as kids. We'll need to do that soon !