Monday, February 14, 2011


Buxton passed away on Saturday. It was a very sad day for all of us. We miss him dearly. I still find myself crying when I look to see if his bowl needs water, or when I peek outside to say hello, or when I think I hear his tail hitting the floor with delight. I know time heals all wounds, so we'll just have to take it day by day. He was so special to us, he was always there, and he always wanted to make us happy.

Goodbyes are so hard...even when it's a family pet. To us he was more than a pet though...he was our sweet boy. Yes, he could be smelly...VERY smelly...yes, his bark could drive me up a wall...and yes, his fur was everywhere. It's funny how when they're gone, you miss those less desirable qualities. This morning I would have done anything to hear him was so quiet.

We miss you Buxton & will always hold you in our hearts. You were such a good boy and we love you :0)

1 comment:

medina family said...

very sweet post about Buxton, Darlene. He must have been wonderful seeing how much he'll be missed.