Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Movie Help

It's always been Danny's thing to take the kids to the movies. He loves the theatre experience where, I on the other hand, could think of lots of other things to do with my two hours :0). I just have a hard time sitting still for that long!

Anyway...we've had a hard time in the past deciding whether or not a particular movie will be appropriate for the girls. There have been times when Danny's taken them to something that seemed perfectly innocent and rated G, but has really intense scary parts that we thought would keep the kids from going to bed for a week.

If you're like us want to get a better understanding about a movie before taking your little ones, check out Common Sense Media. It's so helpful! http://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews

I just finished reading the first Harry Potter book to Anabaelle & Elise and wanted to see if the film would be too intense for them. So, I looked it up and read a very descriptive review about what to expect from the film. I think I'll let them watch it this weekend!! Sadie on the other hand, might have to watch A Barbie Fairytale with Dad :0).

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