Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Philpott Lake~ Fairy Stone State Park ~

What a fabulous weekend!!! The weather was beautiful and we had loads of fun. Philpott Lake wasn't our first choice to camp, but when you decide to go the Tuesday before Memorial Day, your options are limited :0). Although our campground Salthouse Branch wasn't the best, Fairy Stone Park which was on the other side of the lake was awesome! We spent the day there on Saturday. Look...the screens are open!!! It's the first time we've camped with the girls where the temps didn't dip below 40 at night!

Mmmm...smores with giant marshmallows (compliments of Gramma & Coach). They made the most delicious smores ever! Sadie organized all of the ingredients on the bench right after dinner :0).

Swimming in the lake was a bit cold at first, but the kids didn't mind. I was thankful not to feel one fish nibbling at my leg!

After spending the morning at the lake, we decided to go for a canoe ride. Here are the girls ready to row!

I'm surprised to see Anabelle rowing here. I think she did a total of 3 minutes rowing for the entire hour & 15 minutes we were on the lake. That's okay...at least I could burn off a few bites of last night's smores!

I think the highlight of the trip was our hunt for fairy stones. Fairy Stone park is known for these little stones that are only found in that region. Click here for the legend http://www.virginiaoutdoors.com/article/more/1068. Amazingly, each of the girls found one all along the same path...magical right :0)? Did I mention they had a gift shop at the entrance? I was a little baffled when they said they wanted to take them to school to show the class. Hmmm....I guess we'll just let them go with it.

We were so glad we took the time to explore another part of Virginia. I would definitely recommend Fairy Stone Park for your family. We'll probably go back again & explore some of the hikes they have to offer. Stuart Knob looks good for kids. It's is short and offers great views of the Blue Ridge. My kids are all about short hikes with big payoffs :0).

This picture gives you an idea of how much fun they had~

1 comment:

medina family said...

love it!!!! that's on our list of places to visit. Loved ALL the photos.