Monday, June 6, 2011

Elise Turns 8~

I felt so bad for my sweet Elise this weekend :0(. She was throwing up the day before and although she never had a fever & felt better Sunday, she just wasn't 100%. We decided to go ahead with the party thinking she just had a stomach bug Saturday & was just recovering. When we got home from her party at All Fired Up, she climbed into bed. Still no fever, but definitely not the Elise we know & love!! Danny made her chicken fried rice (one of her favorites) for dinner and she barely ate any. She didn't even want her birthday dessert and only nibbled at her ice cream cake at the party! Definitely not right. I just felt so sad that she couldn't enjoy her special day. By the evening, I was willing to do whatever she wanted to make her happy and she asked me to play Super Mario Bros. So, I did :0). You all probably know I'm not a huge fan of video games, so this was a true act of love (and secretly, it was a little fun!). Danny & the kids got a kick out of ol' mom squealing every time I died (which was pretty frequently).

Happy Birthday Elise! I love you SO much and I'm so grateful for your sense of adventure, your tight "love you" squeezes, your secret waves goodbye, your cackles, your arm shaking squeals of excitement, your love of the outdoors, and even your dirty fingernails & stained clothes. I wish I could redo this day when you're all better!!! Maybe I'll just play a few more rounds of Super Mario Bros with you :0).

1 comment:

medina family said...

Awww...I'm sorry she felt so bad on her birthday. What a cute baby...and beautiful girl she is!! Love the header picture, too!!