Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer's Here!

Here are the girls on the last day of school. It was bittersweet for them. They said they were going to miss their teachers & friends, but were so excited to play all summer :0). We ended the day with the annual water attack at the bus stop and I even managed to surprise the kids this year. I told them that the neighborhood boys didn't like to get sprayed so we weren't going to do it this year. The first part was true...the boys complained to their mom the year I squirted them (I felt bad), but I never heard of boys who didn't like to get squirted by a water gun! The boys' mom said we could do it, but she brought a bubble gun while I brought a super soaker. I stayed clear of the boys and drenched my girls :0).

Later that afternoon, Danny came home and brought me these. Beautiful aren't they!! Why you ask? He said it's for all of the hard work I put into the school year. Very sweet indeed!

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