Wednesday, June 15, 2011

~Calvin Indigo~

's been a busy 5 days! I guess that's to be expected when you at a 7 week old puppy to the family during the last week of school! Thankfully, he's adjusting well and everyone loves him. How could you not...he's so darn cute!!! I have to admit that I've been a walking zombie these last few days getting only sleeping in two hour increments & getting up at 5:30/6 every morning. Thankfully, he slept a full 4 hour stretch last night, so I feel like myself again! Danny said it perfectly, "Having a puppy is like having half a newborn & half a toddler." We're having flashbacks to the infants days when we had to let the girls "cry it out" while listening to Calvin in his crate whine when we know he doesn't have to go out. We also have to keep a close eye on him at all times. He loves to chew cords, rugs, furniture, and kids. He especially loves Sadie's dresses. Countless times I've had to pry open his teeth to remove a dangling puppy from her ruffles.

All in all...he's doing great & making strides in his puppy training every day. Danny's taught him to sit & come already! Now if we could just get him to poop on command :0).

Here's how he likes to sleep...on his tummy with his legs sprawled out behind him.

Yesterday I had to leave him in his crate while I went to the doctor & it took longer than expected. The poor guy was locked up for three hours. I think he was pretty worked up because this is what he did when I got home.

Here's Calvin first swim. He was interested, but liked chewing on the pool more.

Lastly, here's Calvin meeting our next door neighbor's dog Duke for the first time. Duke was SUPER excited & we've never seen Calvin's tail wag more. I think they'll be good buddies!

We're so happy Calvin is here. Despite the puppy challenges, he's brought us so much joy already. My only wish is that Buxton could be here, too. I sure miss him. Sometimes I feel like he's there running right along side us~

1 comment:

medina family said...

great pictures, Darlene! He's SO cute!!!I want to see one of him hanging on to Sadie's ruffles, too. Looks like you guys are having fun. I always liked the saying, 'you can sleep when you're dead.' I'm glad he's sleeping longer for you though.