Monday, June 27, 2011

Father's Day~

Danny is an awesome father. The girls just love him to pieces. When I asked them what they love most about their dad they said:

Anabelle-(Grinning) "He's funny!"

Elise- "Well, there are two things. That he hugs & kisses me and that he always plays with us."

Sadie- "Cause he wrestles with me and cause he loves me."

I couldn't ask for a more dedicated, loving, and fun father for my children. He works so hard for us and always puts us first. We are all so blessed to have him in our lives and I'm grateful for the example he's setting for the girls.

Sadie's present to Danny this year was reading Just Me & My Dad to him. It's about a little critter who goes on a camping adventure with his dad...a perfect read. She practiced it for weeks and even read it to her class before Father's Day.

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