Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tears and Joy ~Sadie's Preschool Graduation~

The day came and I always thought I'd have more time. More time to sit & play Polly Pockets, more time to color and chat, more time for walks, more time for day trips together and more time to soak her up. It's so cliche, but where does the time go? It all hit me last night that my alone time with Sadie is over. I won't have a preschooler anymore. I've crossed over into a new phase of motherhood and it's hard to let the younger years go.

I keep a journal for all the girls and have written in them ever since I found out I was pregnant. Anabelle's first one was chocked full of daily entries. I wrote in it almost every week! Sadly, the last time I wrote in Sadie's was November. Typical third born...right? I tried to catch up last night and put in every eventful moment I could think of. I was scrolling back in my mind to all that she's accomplished in 6 months and all that we've done. Then the tears began~

With a soggy face I closed her journal & crept into her bed. I held her close, stroked her hair, and kissed her cheeks. I squeezed her tight until she wriggled away. I didn't want to wake her, so I just laid there & thought about her and the joy that lives in her heart. She's so excited about kindergarten & so ready. She skips around the house singing her graduation songs & can't wait to climb aboard the school bus. She's so joyful and I'm so tearful~ Despite my sadness for a season coming to an end, I'm grateful for the time we've had together and for her readiness & excitement. She's so ready....all I have to do is let go.

Congratulations Sadie! I love you!!

1 comment:

medina family said...

I"m teary reading your beautiful post. Why do they have to grow up? I know there are new joys to be had, but it's definitely hard. You're a great mom and have many more amazing memories to make with your three girls. (And what a sweet idea to keep a journal for each one!)