Saturday, November 12, 2011

We Did It! We took the kids to Disney World!

Whoops...the pictures are backwards, but you get the idea :0). We had a great time on our two day whirlwind of Disney. On Saturday, we took the kids to Animal Kingdom after getting up at 3:30 am, stayed at the park until it closed, slept in a hotel in downtown Disney, woke up Sunday, got to Magic Kingdom right when it opened, caught the opening show before the rope drop, rode almost every ride in the park, and stayed to watch the fireworks show at closing. Then we drove an hour to our hotel in Tampa. was exhausting, but VERY fun!!! Danny & I actually felt the magic...haha! We were so happy we could do this for our girls and we think they had a great time. Here are pictures of our trip~

Danny enjoying the 15 minutes we were stuck in the Buzz Lightyear ride. He almost got 1 million points...haha.

Castle during the day & at night~

Goofy's high five to Sadie!

My favorite show...Finding Nemo. These were puppets! Just amazing~

Elise & I rode Expedition Everest twice in a row. That's a roller coaster in Animal Kingdom.

Here's Mt Everest~

The Tree of Life. Beautiful~! Safari ride was a blast!

1 comment:

medina family said...

Great pictures, Darlene! Looks like such a fun trip! A great family glad you could do this :)