Saturday, January 28, 2012

Anabelle's First Speech

Anabelle gave the first speech of her life yesterday in front of about 400 people. She did a fabulous job. She spoke with confidence and enthusiasm and

remembered to give lots of eye contact. I couldn't have been more proud of her. I thought she nailed it. I got goose bumps when she asked the 4th & 5th graders if they'd like to see themselves in pictures from school events and most of the kids raised their hands. We were worried no one would participate, but they did! It was a good lesson on engaging her audience.

Although she didn't win, we are so very proud of her. She was a little disappointed, but was quick to say..."Next year I'm running for president!"

You can watch her here (sorry for the jiggly view...I couldn't stop shaking:0)).

1 comment:

medina family said...

Amazing!! She did a great job! I would have been so nervous watching my daughter give that speech! Speaking was something I could never do (still probably can't!) Love her plans for next year!