Thursday, January 26, 2012

I have 3 girls...right? of the topics in our house this week has been probably one of the most shocking since we've had since kids...3 girls that is. Somehow, Elise has fallen in love with the idea of owning a BB gun. "What?" you say? "An 8 year old girl wants a BB gun?" The answer is yes and she won't stop talking about it. The first time she mentioned it I actually quoted that famous line..."You'll poke your eye out!" There was just no way I would allow that. You'd think the discussion would be over at that point, but not when Dad is sitting off to the side pondering the idea. She sensed his intrigue...that's for sure! Today Elise & I had some time alone while her sisters were at other activities and she said, "Mom, what about an air soft gun?" Then she started telling me all about how Dad had looked it up and how cool it was. ?????? Really? Hmmmm... I asked Elise if her and dad were in cahoots together to get one (she didn't know what that meant) so, I asked Danny about it. He said no and that he was just looking up information about it. Now to be fair, this is coming from an Eagle Scout who has a respect for firearms and would handle shooting a BB gun or air soft gun safely, but then there's the big question that keeps coming back...WHY would my daughter want to shoot a gun? I just don't get it. I mean, I get that she's her own person and in her words, "a bit of a tom boy", but a gun? Where did this come from?

So now...let me tell you about Anabelle. Girlie girl Anabelle who lays her whimsical ensemble out every night before she goes to bed. Can you believe she is now begging me for a pocket knife! Her friend showed her how to whittle a stick and she's fascinated. Okay...whittling sounds creative and a hobby nicely tied to the earth, but also dangerous! She can barely cut her own apples! I remember my brothers having pocket knives, but I have no idea when they got them and I definitely don't remember ever wanting one. I did Google 'pocket knives for girls' just out of curiosity and lots of pink ones popped up. I guess I just never thought I'd be contemplating my girls owning such things I am.

Remember that 90s song..."Things that make you go Hmmm?" These are definitely a few of those things :0).