Thursday, July 2, 2009

American Girl Doll Camp

This week, some friends & I decided to create our own American Girl Doll camp. On Monday, the girls learned about Julie from the 70s & had a blast making tie dyes & eating fondue! On Tuesday, they learned about Kirsten from the pioneer days & made yarn dolls. Yesterday, we took the girls to see Kit Kittredge at the movies and today the girls came to our house to learn about Addy. We talked about the Civil War, slavery, and about a few of the Addy books. The girls made 'Courageous & Strong' bookmarks, spool puppets, homemade ice cream, and played hot & cold as well as ribbon's end. My favorite part was teaching them about life during that period. It made me miss my teaching days! I took my mom's advice and got out my fife to play for them which they thought was pretty cool! I think the girls' favorite activity was making homemade ice cream. It was SUPER yummy!! To end our morning, the girls got to take home a dress for their American Girl doll made by Nanna. They were so excited to open them up!

Here are a few pictures of our morning together.

1 comment:

medina family said...

Amazing idea! You rock! Can you be my mom?