Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hodge Podge of Summer Activities

I LOVE summer and I love it most because I get to spend lots of time with the girls. I'm always a bit nervous when summer rolls around and everyone will be home, but once we get settled, I start feeling sad that they'll have to go back!

Here are some fun things we've been doing at home!

Aunt Rachel and our cousins came for a visit. We had lunch, played around the house, and enjoyed the afternoon at the pool. The kids had a blast on the hammock. I'm happy to report that it safely holds three kids and does not flip over when they reach 5 feet :0).

One afternoon we went to Sonic for their half price slushies and Michael's to pick out a fun craft. The older girls chose paper mache houses and had a great time painting them.
Another afternoon, we had friends over & it was pouring rain outside, so we decided to make homemade play dough. We made up this great game where you have two minutes to make something and everyone had to guess what it is.

The girls LOVE LOVE LOVE Polly Pockets and spend hours making "sets" for them. These "sets" are very precious and if one piece is disturbed, it gets noticed!!

We played indoor Putt Putt today! I was really nervous someone was going to lose an eye, but they all handled the putters well.

This evening we harvested some of our veggies! We had once cucumber, a few sugar snap peas, and some banana peppers. Elise was so excited she had me slice up a banana pepper and, despite my efforts to warn her of it's heat, gobbled up two big bites. Within seconds she was on the counter looking for a drink with a crazed look in her eyes. I had to laugh. She said she would never been eating those again :0).

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Looks like you guys are having a nice summer!