Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yorktown Beach Trip

Today we took a trip to Yorktown beach. It was a short drive and lots of fun. Elise said, "This was the bestest day of my life!" I think she enjoyed it so much because there were lots of big rocks to climb on. She was in heaven! We let her climb for a while, but when she got to about 10ft up, we said it was time to stop. She was pretty upset! Anabelle's favorite thing was doing belly flops from the beach & I think Sadie enjoyed her Ben & Jerry's ice cream the most. When her cup was gone, she cried :0).
Danny & the girls had fun searching for critters and found a few crabs, a hermit crab, & a snail. I enjoyed the big boat that passed by (which is why I took a picture) and wanted to stop by the museum, but we had been in the sun a bit too long & it was time to head home.

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