Saturday, July 11, 2009

Can we go to the pool?

I hear this EVERY morning as soon as the kids wake up. They LOVE the pool! I've been willing to go almost every day this year because it's so much easier. Cranky babies & fast toddlers don't make pool time very enjoyable for mommies! This year, we're able to spend a few hours or more and the kids can pretty much entertain themselves. I need to be in the water with Sadie, of course, but it's fun to play! Just the other day, Sadie swam 5 ft by herself! I usually put her floaties on, but sometimes we take them off and have a little swim lesson. She's getting better & better every time we swim.
Since we've been spending so much of our time here this summer, I thought I'd post some pictures.
Here's Sadie with her good buddy, Nate.

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