Sunday, October 4, 2009

Camping at Twin Lakes

On a whim, we decided to go camping with the girls this weekend. What a beautiful weekend to camp!!! The girls had a ball exploring the woods and even made a teepee out of sticks. As soon as we got there, Danny sent the girls off to collect the wood and later showed them how to build a fire. They sorted the sticks by size and made a very good sized pile! At dusk, we cooked dinner and made yummy ooey gooey smores! It was a pretty cold night, so none of us slept well, but it was nice to be curled up together in the tent.

We decided to bring Buxton along and I think he had as much fun as the girls! We went on a four mile hike today and he held up well. Poor Sadie stepped on a bee's nest and got stung twice just after a mile into the hike. She was a trooper though. After a few minutes, she was back to tromping through the forest.

1 comment:

medina family said...

That looks like great fun! I'm glad Sadie's okay. I think your adventurous side is coming out after that rafting trip!