Monday, February 15, 2010

20 Years~!~!

Danny & I have been a couple for 20 years today! I just can't believe it! I feel so old thinking we've been together that long! I was 15 when we met at our first job at Baskin Robbins. I can still remember him saying, "Fancy meeting you in this dipping case." I can also remember him asking me out to dinner at Chi Chi's, but because I said, "Sure," he said, "Never mind." In his mind, 'sure' didn't really mean I wanted to go. I'm glad we ended up going out after all :0). I should have known then what I was in for...HA!
Can you believe have been together for more than half of my life? Four houses, ten cars, thirteen jobs, three restaurants, three pets, and three kids we are! We're so blessed and I greatly appreciate every moment we've spent together (yes...all of them). I look forward to the day when I can say, "Danny & I have been a couple for 60 years!"


medina family said...

That is so awesome! I hope we'll be able to say that some day.
Where are you guys? !! I love the picture.

Stacey said...

Happy anniversary to you!
p.s. you look way too young to have been together 20 years!

Kim Lukitsch said...

Congratulations !!