Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's a SNAP!

A few weeks ago, Sadie said she wanted to learn how to snap. It all started one Wednesday night at choir practice when I asked the children to try and snap. I always begin choir practice with a welcome song that includes every child's name. While we sing, the kid's try to keep the rhythm of the song. We might tap our heads, tap our laps, clap, stomp, nod, etc and this particular night, I asked them to just try and snap the rhythm for fun. There was only one child who could do it & he got a lot of praise for it! I guess Sadie got it in her head that she wanted to do it as well. So...she worked at it & worked at it for weeks. She was constantly asking me how to do it. Well, one day, she came downstairs and said, "Look Momma!!" Sure enough...she was snapping!! Ever since that day, Sadie snaps everywhere! Here's a little clip of our very proud girl showing off her newly developed snapping skills :0)


medina family said...

Wow she does have a good snap! How cute!

Sharon said...

Nanna and Mr. Bob loved Sadie's snap and what a nice loud snap it is : ) Love you