Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Birthday~!

Last week was my birthday and what a fabulous day it was! I got to stay in bed for 45 minutes and listen to the rain outside while Danny got the kids ready. Then, I went thrifting during preschool time (and found some GREAT deals), I had lunch with friends, Danny came home early from work, we went to Bonefish for dinner, got a compliment from the server on my girls' super behavior (yeah!), got lots of sweet bday phone messages, and then had a very yummy cake made my my wonderful husband. Oh...and I got some great gifts, too! I'm so grateful for all of my friends & family who made it special...I love you!!!

1 comment:

medina family said...

Now that's a birthday! What a great picture of you and the girls.
Love those candles, too!
