Monday, October 18, 2010

Westmoreland State Park

Yes...we went camping AGAIN! We love fall camping & decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather for one last hurrah! This time we headed to eastern VA to Westmoreland park. I used to go there as a kid and loved it! It lies along the Potomac and has a trail that leads to fossil beach where you can find shark's teeth! See the limestone cliffs? Just beautiful!

After setting up camp on Saturday we ventured to the beach to begin our search. The water was cold & the wind chilly, but thankfully, Danny & I were able to find three. One for each kiddo :0). Elise was VERY sad she didn't find one. So...the next morning we hiked down from our campsite for another search. For most of the morning the girls kept saying..."Is this one? Is this one?" If you decide to go, prepare yourself for this. There are many shells & rocks that look like shark's teeth but aren't. After about 30 minutes, Elise said, "Is this one?" It was and it was the biggest one we found!!! She was thrilled!!! After our search ended with a total of 6 teeth...not bad!
Westmoreland is a great place to go with kids. They have lots of short trails, two beaches, nice campsites, a park, a nature center with 15 million year old fossils found along the cliffs, fishing, and trees to climb :0).

1 comment:

medina family said...

Wow! Another great trip which your girls will always remember!