Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekend Campout at Sherando Lake VA

What a beautiful weekend! We went with my brother, his wife, and their daughter Marena.

On this trip we remembered to bring the kids' fishing poles. Although Elise was hesitant at first, they all really enjoyed it! Sadie caught two and Elise one (the one time she used a real worm). She started crying when Danny took the hook out of the fish's mouth, but was happy it didn't bleed. Is she like her mom or what? Although Anabelle didn't catch one this time, she handled the disappointment well.

We all took a hike on Saturday up to Overlook Rock. It was a little tough going up with the younger ones, but the view was well worth it!

After the hike, they kids waded in the water and later that night, they made smores.

Here's a stick bug they found. I couldn't believe how much it looked like a real stick!!

Here's a view from the second lake.

It was super cold both nights and here are the kids warming their footsies by the fire.

Our campsite was right next to a meadow so the kids could run around & play.
They definitely got their exercise this weekend!
I always feel emotionally rejuvenated when I spend time in nature. It soothes my spirit and awakens my senses. It helps me to decelerate and breathe. I'm always rushing, always going, and encouraging my children to do the same. It makes me crazy. I need reminders to slow down and this weekend helped do that~
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience" Ralph Waldo Emerson


medina family said...

What an awesome weekend! I love how adventurous you are. How was that sleeping bag?

Darlene said...

Hey!!! I'm SOOOOOOO glad I bought that bag! I ended up using it and it was super cozy :0).