Saturday, November 27, 2010

Anabelle Turns 9!

I just can't believe my baby is 9!!!

She designed her cake this year & her Dad put it together. We also took her to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Christian Youth Theater. It was fabulous!!! She was so surprised when they announced her birthday at intermission. So cute!

Here's Anabelle with Dad's famous "Big As Your Head Pancakes!!!"

Here's Anabelle after her dad smashed her face in her piece of cake. She once went to a friend's party where the father smashed his daughter's face into the cake as it was custom to do it for children in the country where he was born. Anabelle thought it was so cool, she's wanted to do it ever since (Susan...that would be Isabela...ha!). This year she asked it we'd do it & we just shrugged it off....well, she got what she wanted & look at that face!

Happy Birthday Anabelle~!~!

1 comment:

medina family said...

Wow! She's really growing up. I can't believe she remembered that cake in the face tradition. I don't think we've done it for the last few birthdays...but come to think of it...I'll be in Bolivia on my birthday. I better watch out!

Happy Birthday, Anabelle!
