Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Little Planner

Anabelle has developed into quite the little planner. Everyday she comes up with an idea she wants to execute. I told her she should become an event planner when she grows up! Some days it's hard to explain to her why she can't do something, like the time she wanted to go door to door to do stranger's chores for money. Or when she made God's Eyes (a yarn craft) and wanted to sell them to the neighbors. Or when she wanted to video tape her and her sisters doing a play and invite families over to watch it and charge them $3. It makes me so proud that most times she wants to donate the money to charity, but we need to work on the ways that it's appropriate to do that. Thankfully, we have some nice neighbors that have bought her lemonade 3 days in a row :0). I couldn't possibly send her over to their house on day 4 expecting them to buy a few popsicle sticks wrapped in yarn!

The other day, Anabelle was throwing out ideas and I carefully steered her in a more realistic making brownies for the fire fighters. She didn't like the idea at first and wanted to bring them lunch including subs, chips, drinks, and dessert. After some convincing, she agreed on brownies & cards if she could call the fire station to ask when we could stop by. She prepared a script and called them herself to set up a day. We were all impressed! So...last Wednesday, the girls & I made brownies & cards and delivered them to the Clover Hill station. Anabelle said she was going to ask for a tour, but I explained to her that it would be rude to do that. Thankfully, they asked us on their own and Anabelle was SUPER excited. They took us throughout the entire building & even let the kids climb inside the enormous fire truck. I tried taking pictures, but they turned out really dark.

Here are the girls and my little planner with the nice fire fighters.

1 comment:

medina family said...

You are raising some great kids, Darlene!!!