Friday, August 19, 2011

Pony Pasture

Enjoying the James River~

Danny was off on Monday, so we took the girls & Calvin to Pony Pasture. The kids had the best time riding the little rapids.

Calvin pretty much stayed put on the rocks. He's much more timid around water than Buxton was. I guess that's not a bad thing when you have three kids to watch! Here's Elise lovin' on him.

Oh no! Get that shoe!

Rock jumping...lots of giggles & even a picnic! It was a great afternoon. The only downside was bits of trash others left behind. It wasn't as bad as Belle Isle, but enough to distract me. Next year we'll be trash bashers before we hop in :0).

1 comment:

medina family said...

looks like fun!! we didn't make it out there this summer yet.