Thursday, September 13, 2012

Labor Day Climb

 To celebrate the last day of summer, we took the kids to Peak Experiences (one of Elise's favorite places). 

Here's Sadie on her first climb.  She did great! The second climb was a 50ft wall and after about 20 ft, she said she wanted to come down.  On the 3rd climb, she did the ladder and went all the way to the top, but looked a little worried.  It wasn't until she was finished that we asked her if she realized that that rope around her harness would catch her.  Well...she didn't.  Poor thing!!!!  We just assumed she knew she wouldn't fall.  No wonder she looked so freaked out! 
Here's Danny with his Hercules calf muscles.  He was like a spider climbing to the top. 

 And, here's Anabelle who surprised us with her natural climbing abilities. She went up like it was nothing and was all smiles. 

Lastly, here's Miss Climber herself repelling down the ladder.  She went up so fast each time it was hard to snap a shot of her.  After our climbs, the girls wanted to climb around these smaller walls, but we had to spot them which is why I didn't snap any pictures.  They were like ants over there!
Are you wondering why I'm not up there?  Well...I hurt my back that week and thought I'd be in a world of pain if I attempted to climb.  Maybe next time :0).

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