Monday, September 24, 2012

Welcome Fall!

 This is our 8th fall here in Chesterfield and my oh my how they've grown. I remember hoisting the girls up to take their picture in here.
Here are Elise & our friend Claudia before they entered the haunted house.  Anabelle & Sadie wanted nothing to do with it. Sadie actually insisted on staying 50 feet away at all times.
 Duck races!  These are some serious competitors!
 On top of the hay~
 Anabelle chose a really different looking pumpkin this year. 
 Sadie just couldn't decide, but ended up getting a cute small one without a stem. 
 Elise had a hard time, too, but ended up with one that looked like a giant tomato.

Like I said...My oh my how they've grown~

1 comment:

medina family said...

I love that picture, Darlene!! So amazing to compare how much they've grown. What beautiful girls you have :)