Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Ends, Fall Begins

 This is a little strange...I'm sitting her 30 minutes after my children left for school without shedding any tears.  Hmmm...was it because they've grown?  Or because I've matured as a mother? Or because they've all been to school before?  Or because they beat the summer's all time bicker record :0)?  Yes...I'm enjoying a quiet house right now, but honestly, I miss them already.  Okay...now the tears are building up. 
 Where did the time go?  Wasn't I just taking her to her first year in preschool?  Now she's going into first grade.
 Excited for her last year in elementary school and super stoked to sit at the back of the bus!
 Ready for 4th and happy about it!  YAY!   No crying or worrying this year!  I hope she still has joy for school by the end of the week :0).

YAY!  The bus showed up this year and it was sunny!  A much better start to school than last year.  I hope their school year is filled with lots of giggles, joy, enthusiasm, friendships, and of course, lots of learning!  


medina family said...

No tears from Joaquin this year either! They do look so grown up this year! I love how you're able to get them all in one picture...that's so impossible for me.

Stacey said...

such pretty girls! inside and out!