Tuesday, September 18, 2012

'The Contract of Law'

So Anabelle has been involved in producing, directing, and acting in plays at school (on the playground during recess) since the end of last year.  Since September, the title of the play has changed 3x and there's been numerous problems with casting and actors dropping out (kids saying they want to play basketball instead).  As of yesterday, Anabelle decided to get an agent to prevent further problems from occurring.  Here's what she typed up had me print to bring to her agent (who is also the director of the newest play 'Aladdin'). 
The contract of law
   Anabelle Skye Dow declares that her agent should give her whatever she wants whenever she wants. For example, Anabelle doesn’t want to do practice, so Anabelle’s agent calmly says okay we will make that happen.
     Anabelle Skye Dow also declares that whoever her agent is they must wear sun glasses and walk in front of her. Her agent only has to dress in all black occasionally.
       Rule number 3, whoever Anabelle’s agent is has to be nice or else the fine of $ 1.
       Anabelle’s 4th rule is in order to be Anabelle’s agent you must let her be in charge of all the props.
       Anabelle’s final rule is that all the directors get to choose their own parts. No main parts may be chosen.

Anabelle from her previous play 'Cindy Ella' playing the role of Justice Beaver.


medina family said...

creative ..... and very funny!

Stacey said...

I am convinced that I'm going to see Annabelle on my TV one of these days. And if she's not on the TV, it's because she's producing!