Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Tissue Free Back-to-School!

This year we were all smiles on the first day of school...even MOM!!!! It was a little weird getting the kids ready this morning without having to hide the tears. I kept thinking...what's wrong with me??? I had a few teary moments last week when I'd tiptoe into their rooms while they were sleeping & look back on how quickly they've grown. I don't know about you, but when I watch my children sleep, if I look really hard, I can see those sweet baby faces. It reminds me of when I'd sit in the dark and hold them in my arms.
One night this summer I couldn't sleep, so I crawled into bed with each one of my girls and cuddled for a while. It made me think of that book, I'll Love You Forever...I can never read that book without crying!!!
Despite that one night, this year I knew they were all ready for school to start and we didn't have any big milestones, so I was happy. It was nice to watch them go and be joyful about their new adventure. Next year will probably be another story!!! I just don't know how I'm going to put my little Sadie on that bus without balling like a baby. We'll see!~


medina family said...

Glad it went well! Love the pic with you and your girls.

Kim Lukitsch said...

great photo with you and the girls !