Sunday, July 17, 2011

Danny is my HERO!!

Danny took the girls and Calvin camping for 2 whole days so I could have some quiet time at home. Isn't he amazingly wonderful, awesome, & fabulous???? I had a really stressful few weeks and I think he sensed I needed some time by myself. I was hesitant at first, but definitely intrigued by the idea. I also felt guilty having him go alone. Ultimately, I knew it would be beneficial to have some time to think & rejuvinate, so I said okay. Did I tell you he also surprised me with a certificate for an hour massage?!?!?! Ahhh...

Let me tell you, when they first left I cried. So did Sadie. Elise looked a little concerned and Anabelle had a bad stomachache. I was really worried this was going to make Danny run for the hills, but he said it went great!

After the initial shock of quiet in the house, I grew to enjoy the peace. I read almost two books, walked many miles, reflected, listened to lots of good music, prayed, and even took a trip to the reservoir to sit and soak in the view. It was a beautiful two days. The weather was in the low 80s, the sun was shining, and I was free. Free to think, relax, and be. I have to admit though that by day two, I was really missing my family. When they got home, I was all smiles and recharged. I even had a little sun glow. It's amazing what two days can do. I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband and for his thoughtfulness, his caring ways, and his courage to face a campout alone :0).

Here are some pictures from their adventure together including Sadie's first fire!!! She was so proud of herself!

Calvin looks like he had a relaxing few days as well!

Calvin is one serious digger!
Yay Sadie!!!

1 comment:

medina family said...

No wonder I haven't talked to you lately!! Sounds like it was fun for you and them. I think I could use some rejuvenation. Tell Danny my kids love camping.