Monday, July 11, 2011

Stormy Afternoon Creations

Last week when it was raining, I gave the girls some scrap wood, nails, hammers, and string. I taught them how to use a hammer safely and they went to work. They wanted to hammer their nails in circles and came up with their own individual designs. It was like our own little shop class. Yes...I got my fingers smashed a few times, but it was worth it. I love teaching my girls that tools aren't just for boys. When we first started Sadie said, "Are there more nails in Dad's toolbox?" I said, "Dad's toolbox?? Mom uses it just as much as Dad...if not more!" Our next lesson will be how to use a drill & screwdriver :0).

1 comment:

medina family said...

Love this!! You are so creative! We have wood lying around their rooms right now, just waiting for this project. Thanks for the idea!