Friday, July 29, 2011

Mozart & Shrinky Dinks!

My friend Susan has the BEST craft ideas! I'm always looking on her blog for new things to try out. The other day we got together and her daughter was wearing this really cute necklace. I asked her if she made it & of course she said yes :0). She said it was Shrinky Dinks & she told me all about them. My kids thought the idea sounded really fun, so the next day I went up to Michael's to get some (I was in a desperate need of something to keep them occupied for the afternoon). After searching the kids section for 20 minutes, all I could find were the preprinted ones that you color. Finally, I asked someone there and she showed me them over near the scrapbooking section...really?!?!? This is what the package looks like. They come in sheets and range from $4.99-$12.99.

That afternoon, we got to work. I cut circles (wishing I had a 3" paper punch) and let the kids get creative. I printed out a sheet of easy graphics to help the kids (and me!) and gave them sharpies to draw. Then I turned on some Mozart to set the creative mood. It was amazing to see how quickly they settled down and focused on their work. The dinks turned out really cute and the kids thought it was awesome to see them shrink before their eyes.

I had fun making them, too!!
I even put a few with beads on my key chain :0).


medina family said...

Love them!!! Great job on them. Aren't they addictive?

At least you could see them shrink through the window...our oven is SO DIRTY you can't see anything. We had to keep opening the door.

Stacey said...

very cute! might have to steal that idea. it's too hot to go outside.