Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One Berry Two Berry Pick Me a Blueberry!

Remember the book...Jamberry? We were singing the story on our way to the blackberry fields at the Chesterfield Berry Farm. What a perfect summer day it was. Nothing like picking while dripping in sweat :0). The sky was beautiful though and I loved listening to the humming of bees & the peacefulness of the almost empty farm. The blackberries were HUGE! We picked enough to freeze and used a bunch to make blackberry cobbler. Yum!

A few days later, we picked blueberries! Nanna came long with us. It was another perfect summer day! I love Swift Creek Berry Farm. There's a beautiful old house there, locally grown plants & veggies, and row after row of blueberry bushes. We picked over 7 lbs! There were so many you could just grab a branch by the handful & pull off a nice clump. They were SO delicious & sweet. We froze a lot and used fresh ones to make blueberry bread. The recipe called for orange marmalade & pecans which I thought sounded interesting. It was super yummy.

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