Friday, July 15, 2011

The Power of Christian Rock :0)

Elise has always listened to music when she goes to sleep. Ever since my girls were babies, I would put on Enya or Baby Beethoven or Mozart. Well, in the past month, Elise has discovered the radio stations on her cd player. Once, I walked by the stairs after putting her to bed & heard some rough rap music coming from her room. I ran up there & discovered that she had the dial on 106.5 "The Beat" which is a local rap station. I was shocked by what she had been listening to!!! I told her that the words in those songs were inappropriate and I had her put in one of her cds. Well, a few weeks later, I heard some hard rock music up there. Again, I rushed up the stairs & as I approached her room, I heard 'Jesus' in the lyrics. I stopped to listen more & realized she had found a Christian rock station. Hmmmm...I guess that was okay...I mean, she was supposed to be falling asleep to it, but it's about Jesus...right? What could be wrong about falling asleep to that?

There's been a handful of nights I've tucked her into bed after she's fallen asleep & she's had that same station on. I didn't think much about it until I opened her closet one morning & found these messages written on her mirror with a dry erase marker :0). You might have to click on it to read it. Too cute~


Kim Pham said...

Love it!!! So sweet!

medina family said...

That's great, Darlene!!! I thought about music the other day. I like it in the car, but not so much in the house. I usually don't play music inside, and when I do, we'll dance around and stuff, but when I finally turn it off, I think,'ahhh...peace and quiet'.
But Joaquin's always had a hard time going to sleep....and I was thinking, I never tried music..(well, I did when he was a baby) but not recently. I'll have to start checking the yard sales for radios.