Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pocohantas State Park

Calvin went on his first hike on Sunday & loved it! We had him off of the leash most of the time (which made me nervous), but he stayed very close to the family. He also took a swim and met some new lab friends. It was a beautiful day with blue skies and puffy white clouds. There was even a creek to swim in (you know how the girls love that!). Calvin was doing well in the water until he got trapped in a whirlpool that was trying to suck him under a bridge. Danny came to his rescue, but he wasn't so sure of swimming after that. Poor guy~ The girls found a bridge with lots of lily pads & lilies. There must have been hundreds of them. It was a great three mile hike, but toward the end everyone wanted a piggy back ride...even Calvin :0). Thankfully, he's still small enough to carry!

1 comment:

medina family said...

Glad Calvin's okay!! That last picture's cute how he's posing with the girls. He's a lucky dog to belong to such an active family:)