Friday, June 4, 2010

Is It Broken??

We took our first and hopefully, our last trip to get x-rays last week. Sadie came home from her water day at school and said her right foot hurt. All afternoon & evening she could only walk on her tip toes. By bedtime, her ankle was very swollen. the morning (the day before our camping trip), I ran into a pediatric nurse friend of mine & had her look at it. She said it could be broken and recommended we go to a place called Ortho-on-Call. So, we went that morning and were in & out within an hour. They took lots of x-rays and Sadie was a trooper! Thankfully, nothing appeared broken on the x-rays, so it was a definite sprain, but she could have had a fracture of the ankle bone right near the growth plate. So for a week now she's been wearing this brace/boot all day. I took her back today and the doctor said she looks much better and only has to wear it during high physical activity. Isn't that all the time for a 4 year old????? Anyway, it's off until her last soccer game tomorrow and she's thrilled!

1 comment:

medina family said...

Poor thing...I know you're taking good care of your sweet Sadie. I'm glad it wasn't broken. I broke my ankle at age 4 or 5 and was scared to walk on the cast, so I crawled everywhere!