Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wrestling w/ Dad is GOOD!!!

Does it drive you nuts when your husband gets your kids all wound up right before bedtime???? I can't stand it! By that time of the day, I'm ready to wind down, read them a story, kiss them sweetly, and send them to bed! When I walk upstairs at 7:40 and hear thumping, laughing, screaming, and roaring I roll my eyes. There have been some nights that I sit there in the middle of the bed with the bedtime story in my hand while they act like the wild things around me. Sometimes I'll sit & wait while Danny tries to calm them down and sometimes I'll get fed up, toss him the book and say, "If you want to get them wound up at bed time YOU can wind them down!!"
Yesterday, he sent me an article that he wanted me to read. It was called, 'Dads Empower Kids To Take Chances.' This morning I read it and really appreciated what it had to say. Not only is the rough & tumble play good for their bodies, but it teaches them life skills. As I read it I also appreciated the times Danny encouraged the girls to scramble over the big rocks, walk out further into the flowing river, and climb a little higher. So instead of letting my blood pressure rise the next time I hear the craziness start, I'll take a deep breath and let it go...for a while anyway because he's doing what dads do best!

1 comment:

medina family said...

funny, that just happened tonight! wait...I mean every night. except when he works late. thanks for another perspective.